See Live Internet Radio Broadcasts from Las Vegas — NAB, BEA and the RAIN Summit

It’s another glorious April, and that means the broadcast world flocks to Las Vegas, where the National Association of Broadcasters event also attracts a cluster of affiliated conferences, and Backbone figures prominently in several of them.

On Sunday April 7, Backbone and TuneIn will team to broadcast the live proceedings of the Internet Radio industry’s most prominent event, the RAIN Summit (Radio and Internet Newsletter) from the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino.  Speakers and panelists include representatives from Pandora, ESPN, TuneIn, SoundExchange and many more.

Starting on Monday, Backbone will be actively recruiting new college (and high school) radio stations to join the expanding IBS Student Radio Network by Backbone.  Please stop by to visit our exhibit booth at the Broadcast Education Association’s BEA2013 Conference, also in the Las Vegas Hotel (formerly the Las Vegas Hilton).  We’ll show you how schools are taking their stations on the road for live events, using only a Mac and a mic.

And of course, NAB is the most exciting draw in the broadcast world, so we hope to see you there, too.

IBS Palooza Internet Radio Live Simulcast – Spring Wrapup

Thanks to all member schools who participated in the IBS Spring-Palooza broadcast weekend, April 24th-25th. Our live broadcast that started on Friday night at 4pm was simulcast on other IBS stations across the network. 22 hours of original programming broadcast throughout the weekend focused attention on our member stations, terrific local bands- and again raised money for worthy charities!

Listeners from around the world tuned in again to hear our broadcasts. You can explore this map of listeners, containing data from Friday, the 24th, through the first day of rebroadcasts on Sunday night the 26th.

All broadcasts were heard on iTunes® Radio, and the College Radio Tuner iPhone/iPod touch application. Click on the image below to explore the map of connetions (red icons are computer based connections, blue are iPhone/iPod touch listeners).

spring_palooza09_stats-resized-600If you are a participating school, and have not uploaded your show recording – as soon as you do, we will start rerunning your broadcast on the IBS-Palooza station.

We will continue to repeat show recordings, and play music from member bands throughout the summer, up until the Fall IBS-Palooza, tentatively schedule for November 2009.

New: Band airplay statistics: New for IBS-Spring Palooza 2009, statistics are available for individual bands’ airplay in iTunes® Radio during the month of April. To get links to airplay stats for your school’s participating bands- send an email to

IF you would like to become a member of the IBS-Student Radio Network, and participate in the next IBS-Palooza, you can find out more on our website.

What is IBS-Palooza? It is a weekend of local, live music on member stations of the IBS Student Radio Network, simulcast across the IBS Student Radio Network to kick off the fall 2008 semester.

The goals of IBS-Spring Palooza are:

* Use IBS- Spring Palooza as a recruiting tool for getting volunteers to work at your station.
* Help local college bands get airplay- make your station important for your community.
* Raise some money for worthy charities local to you.
* Put on a great night of music!

IBS-Spring Palooza happened on the fourth weekend of April, from the 24th to the 25th of the month (Friday night through Saturday). The following schools broadcasted as part of the event:

* All Independent Radio from the Art Institute, Boston MA
* Central Methodist University, Fayette Missouri
* Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC
* University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
* Goucher College Radio, Towson MD
* KXZY Oklahoma State, Stillwater Oklahoma
* Roosevelt University, Chicago IL
* SUNY Stony Brook NY
* Simmons College, Boston MA
* XTSR – Towson University Radio, Towson MD
* WLIU-BK – Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus Radio

The ground rules for IBS-Palooza are very straightforward:

* Live local bands from your college, broadcast live on your station. All organized by you- content is of your choice.
* Each station will agree on a 1-2 hour time slot with IBS, and we’ll take care of everything else. You’ll just broadcast normally on your station, and we’ll pick it up and rebroadcast it on the IBS Radio Network station ‘WIBS’.
* Each station should elect one or more charities to be a beneficiary of the broadcast. You’ll put a link in your stream to a place where people listening can click through to donate to that charity.
* You’ll be able to simulcast the rest of the event on your station if you want to.
* You need to be a member of the IBS Student Radio Network (IBS-SRN) to participate. If
you’re receiving this message- likely you are a member already, but if you’re not, you can sign up here

Thanks to everyone who has already signed up to have their stations be a part of the second major IBS SRN Network Broadcast – ‘IBS- Spring Palooza‘. We look forward to having you all onboard again in the fall.