From the back of a World War II era amphibious “Duck Boat” Backbone Networks and LUCI Global® combined their technological prowess to enable Hank Stolz, host of Radio Worcester’s morning show ‘Talk of The Commonwealth’ to effortlessly broadcast live — totally in “the cloud” — from the Worcester Red Sox, AAA affiliate of MLB’s Boston Red Sox, 2022 Opening Day Game at Polar Park in Worcester MA.
Radio Worcester, built on Backbone’s cloud-based Backbone HUB™ platform, enables Stolz and his crews to cover the explosive growth of Central Massachusetts action with on-site broadcasts, and without the burden of heavy, expensive radio broadcast equipment. Utilizing standard local network infrastructure, HUB requires only a laptop, a portable mixer, and a couple mics. Luci Global’s studio-quality smartphone remotes integrate with Backbone’s Talk virtual broadcast call-in phone system, as well as low-latency cloud syndication, for a seamless live radio broadcast live on stations like WCRN Radio, Westborough MA, flagship affiliate of the Radio Worcester Network.
“Luci Global brings in remote two-way audio from anywhere in spectacular quality,” said Stolz, “and also from unorthodox locations, such as 1940’s Duck Boat ‘Boston Betty’ with incredible flexibility, quality and value. The Backbone platform also lets me handle standard listener phone calls and guests, as well as broadcast to our affiliates simultaneously while we’re live from anywhere I can imagine.”
Backbone Networks CTO George Capalbo explains,“All this was done with a standard laptop, WiFi at the stadium and a standard Rode mixer– simple set up and operation. Competing broadcasts at the event required large engineering support, dedicated microwave networks – lots of complexity and cost that Radio Worcester is ecstatic to be without.”
For more information – check out Backbone Talk at http://backbonebroadcast.com and Luci Global at https://www.luci.eu/luci-community-apps/